A peaceful sleep

Do you know the power of prayer spoken in the most powerful name on Earth? Notice, I did not ask if you “believe” in the power of prayer. Praying is like eating, just because you do it does not make it good. You can pray to a golden covered Buddha and it will accomplish nothing…just as you do nothing good for your body when you eat chicken nuggets or eat processed food, it goes into your body, but does not provide the right nourishment for your body.

The Bible states that we are to renew our minds daily. If we renew our minds daily with the Word of God, with the thoughts, the passages, that the Holy Spirit gave to be put into book form, instructions and information, and put into what we have as The Bible.. then we will have more of the thoughts of God within us. With more of the thoughts of God within us, we will be more like the way we should be, instead of the way we may see ourselves now…as less than valuable to be used as disciples for the Kingdom.

Do not allow the thinking of this age to replace God’s view of you. If you have repented, been baptized, and reborn in Christ, you are a new creature. The old has passed away…why bring it up again? The past is no longer powerful against a child of the Living God. Read and contemplate- think deeply- on what is written for you in the Bible, particularly the New Testament. Let it settle within you. Then, your sleep will be peaceful, and you rise again in the morning as a disciple of Christ, not a shadow of your past.

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